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XLIII Dynamics Days Europe

Date: 3-8 September 2023

Luogo / City:  Naples

Sede / Venue: Complesso dei SS. Marcellino e Festo - Largo San Marcellino 10

Lucia Russo, STEMS, CNR
Constantinos Siettos, Dept. Mathematics, UNINA

Dynamics Days Europe is a series of major international conferences founded in the 1980's that provides a European forum for developments in the theory and applications of dynamics. For more than 40 years, it has been bringing together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds including physics, mathematics, biology, and engineering for interdisciplinary research in nonlinear science. Topics of interest include: Astrophysics, Asymptotics, Bifurcation Theory, Biophysics, Chaos, Chemical dynamics, Complex systems and Networks, Computational Methods, Control systems, Crowd Dynamics and Mobility, Earthquake engineering, Econophysics, Environmental dynamics and Ecology, Epidemics, Financial systems, Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Machine and Deep Learning, Materials Science, Mathematical Physics, Multiscale Dynamics, Multi-physics, Neurodynamics, Numerical Analysis, Pattern Formation, Reduced-order Modelling, Robotic dynamics, Self-organized systems, Scientific Computing, Soft Matter, Social dynamics and networks, Statistical Physics, Stochastic Systems, Time Series Analysis, Traffic dynamics, Turbulence.

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